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Doorstep Crime

With the recent bad weather that we have experienced during storms Isha and Joslin.  It is very noticeable within our communities the amount of damage these have caused with perimeter fences damaged and in need of repair and trees felled.  There will also be a possibility of damage to gutters and roofs some of which may not be overtly visible.


With this in mind there is every chance of an increase in possible issues of doorstep crime being reported to the relevant agencies.  For more information on doorstep crime and ways in which you can protect yourself from this crime type please see the links below


Doorstep Scammers - Trading Standards Scotland (tsscot.co.uk)


Doorstep crime and bogus callers - Police Scotland

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Message Sent By
Bryan Mackie
(Falkirk Council - Trading Standards, Trading Standards, Falkirk Council)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials